Create a simple data entry form with Apps script

Create a simple data entry form with Apps script

Google sheet 프로그래밍 책을 참조하여 단순한 Data 입력 폼을 만들어 봤습니다.

Project code:

Code Example 7.2 Sheet에서 Data Entry 메뉴 선택 후 Show Form 클릭

Data 입력 폼에서 입력한 data는 sheet에 적용됩니다.


Google Sheets Programming With Google Apps Script (2015 Revision Complete)

All the example code in this book is available for download as a single file at

Code Example 7.2

* Create a simple data entry form that collects
* two text values and writes them to the active sheet.
* See also "index.html" in code example ch07.html


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